HOLD HARMLESS DISCLAIMER: Camper agrees to carry his or her own liability and comprehensive insurance and vehicle registration during the term of this rental period on their trailer.
• All trash must be removed and taken with you for disposal!
• This rental agreement contains the entire agreement between the rodeo and camper. No other representation or inducement, verbal or written, has been made which is not contained in this rental agreement. This agreement is severable, if one portion is invalid, the remaining portion will, never less, remain in full force and effect.
• It shall be within the authority of the Rodeo Manager, or their representative, to remove from the RV site any or all members of a group whose behavior, at any time, conflicts with County or State laws, becomes detrimental to the health and safety of the group or other RV Site users, or becomes so unruly as to affect the reasonable enjoyment of the Site by other users.
• The camper accepts camping privileges with the understanding that he or she does hereby release Basin City Freedom Rodeo, its officers, volunteers, fellow campers and employees of all liability for the loss or damages to any property and injury to his/her person arising out of his/her use of its camping facilities and agrees to indemnify the campground, its officers, volunteers, fellow campers and employees, against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to the person(s) or visitor(s) of any member of the family of the camper, arising out of the use of its camping facilities and any activities, games, or events sponsored by Basin City Freedom Rodeo.
• I agree to pay for any damages to campground property, sites, buildings, facilities, equipment, or loss of equipment, which may occur. I also agree to immediately report any accident, injury or property damage to the manager or staff. If a hazard or dangerous situation exists on the premise, the said camper will notify the management or staff immediately.
• I also agree to take full responsibility for myself and all people in my party, including minors and visitors, and will require them to read and comply with all campground rules and regulations as posted in the office or on the grounds, as well as the terms and conditions as set forth in this registration form.
• I accept full responsibility for my children or those children in my care, custody or control, and will supervise and attend to my children at all times while on these premises. The below signed camper, has read, understood, and will follow the policies and regulations as set forth by the Basin City Freedom Rodeo. Undersigned will also notify all individuals in party of the same policies and regulations.
If you have any questions, contact Lisa VanderMeulen at 509-539-9443 or lflataucamping@gmail.com